Physical Works

Executive Manager of the Housing Improvement Program (PROMEVI)


Santa Barbara, San Antón,
San Miguel and
San Lázaro.


October, 2023 - December, 2025



Total Budget



Implementation of projects to improve human settlements and social housing, with a focus on climate change, adaptation and mitigation.


Funded by

Project objective

The general objective of the consultancy is to implement the social, technical and legal components of the Housing Improvement Program for the Colonial City of Santo Domingo.

The specific objective is to carry out the activities of the approach process, playing the role of official representative of the "Home Improvement Program" before the communities of the intervention area; of interlocutor between the Program Coordinating Unit - PCU and the community leaders; and to manage the social accompaniment of residents and beneficiaries during the implementation of the different processes of the program.


The Government of the Dominican Republic has received a loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to finance the Integral Tourism and Urban Development Program for the Colonial City of Santo Domingo (PIDTUCCSD).

The Ministry of Tourism (MITUR) is the Executing Agency of the Program, acting through the Program Coordinating Unit (PCU).

The European Union.


To complement the inventory of the physical, environmental and socioeconomic conditions of the housing linked to PROMEVI.

To motivate and encourage the population of the sectors within the scope of the project's intervention to participate in the program.

Design sectoral tools to be implemented with related public entities to provide legal and technical support to potential beneficiary households in the collection of documents and presentation of requirements for the application process in terms of property tenure, with a view to making the program's interventions viable.

Carry out the social relationship actions, components and legal actions for the identification and selection of the Program's beneficiaries, in accordance with the eligibility and prioritization criteria Manage the Program's communication, community relations and social and technical accompaniment during the project execution phases.

To represent the owners of housing units and tenants or possessors in legal proceedings related to the resolution of ownership and tenancy conflicts.

Develop the work related to the design process.

Supervise the different stages of works implementation.

Perform the relationship between the contractor executing the works and the actors involved in the process.

Project Main Lines of Action

1.1. Strategic planning, management and implementation of projects for the improvement of human settlements and social housing.

1.2. Planning and management of application and beneficiary selection processes for social and housing programs, preferably.

1.3. Social work and community relations management.
Temporary relocation of families and social accompaniment during housing improvement or construction processes.

1.4. Social work with vulnerable populations.

1.5. Coordination with public and private entities for the management of housing and community development projects.

1.6. Work on land and property tenure management.

2.1. Urban and housing casuistry analysis in consolidated urban areas.

2.2. Urban revitalization with the development of social housing.

2.3. Planning, design, supervision and quality control of housing improvement projects, including the improvement or provision of common infrastructures and adequate access for housing clusters.

2.4. Physical and spatial improvement of inhabited housing, including architectural, structural, plumbing and electrical interventions.

2.5. Design and implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures and energy efficiency and water saving technologies for housing.

2.6. Management of architectural and urban cultural heritage.

Beneficiary population

700 people, 60% of whom are women and young people from the communities are direct beneficiaries.


A Physical Intervention Plan for the improvement of 140 homes.

Three working groups were formed, one for social action, one for technical coordination and one for secure tenure.

Formulated and implemented a Social Action Plan that includes all the necessary components for execution, follow-up and monitoring.

Sustainable Development Goals

Promotes conditions to alleviate extreme poverty, and other dimensions of poverty, by ensuring that all people, particularly the poor and vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources and access to basic services, and by reducing situations, exposure and vulnerability to climatic phenomena.

Sustainable housing considers the specific needs of women and girls in their personal development process and in the possibility of achieving a better level of well-being, reversing their historical disadvantages in access to land and housing ownership. This directly favors the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls.

Product of the project

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