Environment and Climate Action

IDDI Climate Action Platform

The Dominican Republic, as a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), is exposed to various recurrent hazards, most of them derived from climatic events such as hurricanes, storms, floods, fires, periods of drought and epidemics, in addition to seismic events such as earthquakes and landslides. The Dominican Republic is ranked 11th in the 2017 World Climate Risk Index, and ranks among the 10 nations most affected by these climatic phenomena between 1997 and 2016. This scenario is exacerbated in cities due to internal and external migration, pressure on natural resources, population growth and industrialization, which represents a particular challenge for climate risk management in urban contexts.

In this context, the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015 set the world on an ambitious and essential path towards resilient and carbon-free development.

IDDI, through its Climate Action Platform and its Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Development (CCDS), founded in 2011, is aligned with the Paris Agreement and the commitment of the Dominican Republic through the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC-DR), as National Implementing Entity (NIE) of the Adaptation Fund, and pursues the following objectives:

Educate and disseminate knowledge on Climate Change, Adaptation and Mitigation.

Formulate and promote climate action projects and channel funds with innovative approaches.

Strengthening the capacities of public, private and civil society actors through the creation and promotion of entities such as the National Coalition of Resilient Cities (CNCR), which seeks municipal empowerment in climate action.

Advocacy in public policies (Climate Change Law and Solid Waste Law).

Technological innovation for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (currently coastal-marine environments).

Promote research.

Strengthen climate transparency mechanisms.

Advocacy in public policies (Climate Change Law and Solid Waste Law).

Technological innovation for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (currently coastal-marine environments).

Promote research.

Strengthen climate transparency mechanisms.

The Dominican Republic, in its NDC 2020, increases its climate ambition by committing to a 27% reduction in GHG emissions with respect to BAU or business as usual by 2030. It presents 46 mitigation options distributed in: (i) 27 options identified and evaluated for the Energy sector (focused on electricity generation, energy efficiency and road transport), 4 options identified and evaluated for the Industrial Product and Process Use (IPPU) sector, 10 options identified for the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sectors and 5 for the Waste sector. The country proposes to achieve, based on evaluated and proposed mitigation options, a reduction of 13,853.71 Gg CO2eq, which represents 27.16 % with respect to the BAU 2030 scenario estimated at 51 thousand Gg CO2eq, with an estimated required investment of USD $ 8,916,950,000.00 expressed conditionally and unconditionally.

However, the Dominican Republic, as a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), focuses its climate action primarily on Adaptation, which refers to the adjustments in ecological, social or economic systems that must be made in the face of current and projected changes in climate and their effects. It focuses on changes in processes, practices and structures to reduce potential damages or to benefit from opportunities associated with climate change. Some of these impacts, such as droughts, floods, cyclones, sea level rise or extreme temperatures, exert strong pressures on the socioeconomic development of society.

Due to the expected changes in the frequency, magnitude and duration of adverse climate events, IDDI's focus is on the sustainable development of sectors such as agriculture, forestry, water resources, food security, coastal-marine resources, tourism, health, environment and livelihoods, which are highly sensitive to climate change and variability, in order to increase their resilience.

Adaptation solutions take many shapes and forms, depending on the unique context of a community, company, organization, country or region. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Therefore, IDDI, as a neutral actor, focuses on mobilizing actors and channeling funds for climate risk management from policy, institutional and regulatory frameworks, strengthening local and national capacities, and developing tools such as climate vulnerability and risk studies, financing mechanisms and climate insurance, and identifying measures and approaches such as:

Integrated water resource management

Resilience of cities

Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA)

Climate-Smart Agriculture

Sustainable Tourism

Integrated Solid Waste Management


Transportation and mobility

Climate Finance and Insurance

Climate Transparency

CC resilient infrastructure

Technological Innovation for Climate Change