June 13, 2024

Improvement of the Economic, Educational and Health Conditions of Poor Families in the Villa Blanca Neighborhood (Santo Domingo).


Santo Domingo East, Villa Blanca


5,800 participants (women heads of household and children and adolescents residing in Villa Blanca).


Caja de Madrid, Spain.
Cideal, Spain.

The project aims to contribute to improving the living conditions of families living in poverty and headed by female heads of household in the marginalized neighborhood of Villa Blanca in the city of Santo Domingo. The execution of the project began with the development of several activities of information, sensitization and formal presentation to the different organized groups, representatives of local authorities, as well as beneficiary families of the actions to be implemented. This first start-up stage was well received by the community bases, who have assumed the process as a commitment to improve the economic, educational and health conditions of this community. As this is a peripheral area of the city, the families live in conditions of extreme poverty, so their strength is channeled into training for organized work, without depending on outside help. Very active neighbors and a group of women willing to train in a vocational trade to have a better future, enter the labor market and thus improve their economic conditions.


155 women trained in different technical areas.

22 microcredits granted to women.

150 young people inserted into the labor market.

400 children enrolled in the EPC.

400 educational talks to raise awareness and sensitize the families of EPC children on: prevention of STIs-HIV/AIDS, malaria prevention, cholera prevention, prevention of domestic violence, environmental protection, solid waste management, hygiene, teenage pregnancy prevention, comprehensive sexual education, gender equity, environment, sexual and reproductive health, hygiene and health habits, proper use of condoms, among others.