
Adaptation, Climate Change, Climate Change, Physical Works, Gender, Water, Reforestation, Municipality

Increasing climate resilience in San Cristóbal province, Dominican Republic


San Cristobal


June, 2019 - June, 2023






Integrated management of water resources and rural development with two components:

1. Community-level implementation of climate-resilient water resources management activities.

2. Capacity building and development of key institutions and communities to manage climate change-related risks over the long term.

Funded by

Project objective

The main objective of the program is to increase resilience and adaptive capacity to climate impacts and risks on water resources in rural communities in the province of San Cristobal.

The project's contributions to increase resilience and adaptation to climate change in the Province of San Cristobal are: increased institutional and community capacity for the coordination of integrated water resources management; construction of community aqueducts for drinking water supply; diversification of livelihoods through the establishment of model agroforestry farms; and the participation of women in the leadership and empowerment of community development.


1.1. Community water supply and management plans developed for 30 communities to incorporate climate change related risks.

1.2. Increased water supply for multiple uses and users in 30 communities during the short-age period under climatic shocks (such as drought, heat stress, etc.).

1.3. Measures for water conservation under climate impacts (such as catchment/riparian basins, reforestation schemes) implemented for 2,722 hectares.

2.1. A set of manuals and other materials on best practices for water management and resilient livelihoods is developed, including a fully operational website.

2.2. The Provincial Climate Change Adaptation Monitoring Committee is established in San Cristóbal.

2.3. Platforms and learning systems for integrating climate change-related risks into community-based water resource management and institutionalized livelihood activities in 30 communities.


The Adaptation Fund is an international fund that finances projects and programs to help developing countries adapt to the effects of climate change. It was established under the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The Climate Change Adaptation Fund accredited IDDI as a National Implementing Entity (NIE), which means that the Dominican Republic, as a developing country, will have access to resources for the implementation of programs and projects that contribute to combat and address the effects of climate change.

Beneficiary population

24,000 people

42,600 persons


Improved water supply to 30 communities.

Measures for water conservation under the impacts of the implemented for 2,722 hectares.

Provincial Climate Change Adaptation Monitoring Committee in San Cristóbal.

Platforms and learning systems for integrating climate change-related risks into community-based water resource management and institutionalized livelihood activities in 30 communities.

Sustainable Development Goals

End poverty: Eradicate poverty in all its forms and in all places.

Zero hunger: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.

Gender equality: Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.

Clean water and sanitation: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure: Building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and fostering innovation.

Sustainable cities and communities: Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

Responsible production and consumption: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Climate action: Adopt urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects.

Life of terrestrial ecosystems: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

Peace, justice and strong institutions: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, facilitate access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

The program will work directly with 5 of the 6 strategic axes listed in the PNACC-DR:

Improve water security and food security.

Promote the built environment and climate-proof infrastructure.

Promote healthy communities.

Increase the resilience of ecosystems, biodiversity and forests.

Enabling competitiveness through environmental sustainability and climate resilience.

Ensuring inclusiveness, human rights and care for the environment and biodiversity

The Environmental Policies of the Adaptation Fund and IDDI have a common objective:

  • Ensure that disadvantaged or vulnerable individuals and groups have access to the benefits generated by the project in an inclusive manner and in compliance with the legal framework and in continuous defense of human rights.
  • Recognize the importance of strengthening national environmental and social management systems, support dialogue with all stakeholders, and strengthen management capacities and best practices.
  • Increase transparency and improve project design and implementation through ongoing stakeholder participation and information disclosure, by developing participation plans and publishing documents related to environmental and social issues.

Women as a factor of change

The term "gender" has been acquiring a notable presence in academia, education, the media, etc., and, at times, it has been emptied of meaning, even becoming a controversial topic. However, at IDDI we know that its proper understanding and management can help us to open the doors towards a transforming action that rescues the person in its integral dimension and has inclusion and social justice as its horizon.

There is a complex matrix of interrelationships between the effects of climate variability and economic, social, environmental and gender aspects. Climate change implies, on the one hand, a disproportionate increase in women's workload. On the other hand, they have a fundamental role in the use of land and water, and, in general, of biodiversity resources. In other words, women, through empowerment and the promotion of their leadership, can contribute significantly to providing solutions to address climate change and be agents of change.

With the commitment of IDDI's management, as well as the valuable contribution of our collaborators, partners and friendly institutions, we will put in place the mechanisms, financial resources and technical support necessary to efficiently and effectively ensure gender equality through our programs and projects.

Information and Transparency Mechanisms.

Information is the fundamental basis for stakeholder participation. Therefore, clear, relevant, timely and culturally appropriate information will be provided to local authorities and institutions, as well as stakeholders, about the purpose, nature and size of the project, the entity responsible for it, the activities that will be carried out for its design and execution, the studies that will be carried out in the area and the expected schedule.

IDDI has a mechanism that allows it to receive and respond efficiently and quickly to requests, complaints or claims described in the guide for the implementation of information and transparency mechanisms for the management of IDDI programs and projects, the regulations of the complaints, claims and suggestions committee that will be available at all stages of the project cycle. It guarantees the transparency and privacy of the people and will be agreed with the local population.

Project deliverables

Studies and definition of priority areas of intervention and design of reforestation schemes in the project intervention zones in the province of San Cristóbal - DR.

Didactic material

Adaptation Fund Seminar

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