Since the beginning of written history it seems that human beings have done little more than struggle with themselves, with others and with everything around them in an attempt to discover who they truly are, what they are doing on this planet and where they are going. Undoubtedly, the effort has been monumental and with tangible benefits.
We have made tremendous strides in all the physical sciences such as medicine, chemistry, physics, engineering, genetics and others. We have even landed on the moon, split the atom, created artificial intelligence and human organs, as well as being able to communicate instantaneously with any part of the planet. However, in the process we barely get along with each other. We have committed atrocities against our own race, extinguished numerous species of animals and plants while poisoning the biosphere that provides us with life, creating what appears to be a situation of near self-destruction. We are disoriented, chasing our tails in violent and uncontrolled circles.
Why is this? What has happened to our sense of purpose and principle? Why have we been, on the one hand, so successful in applying our intelligence to solving our physical needs but, on the other hand, at the same time invest the same amount of energy and resources in actions that endanger our very survival?
Perhaps the reasons for our motives have been misguided and the values on which our society has been based (which are, in essence, its foundations) have been poorly formulated and mismanaged. We have emphasized and become attached to all that is transitory, transient or impermanent, but not really ours. For example, we consider that the purpose of life is to accumulate wealth, material possessions and even power. To this end we dedicate the actions of a lifetime, only to leave it all behind at the moment of death.
Therefore, none of it was really ours, since one cannot lose something that truly belongs to him. It is almost sad when one sees people with expensive possessions (like cars, clothes, house) believing that these make them a better human being, or more of a woman, or more of a man. The attachment is so strong, that millions of people defend what is not theirs, while millions more try to take it away. In essence, it is not possible to own what is not ours, such as land, air, oceans, rivers, lakes, forests, animals and even people.
Those things that are transitory are also relative. Cultures, ideologies, social systems and to a certain degree, intellect, are transitory and possess values that are relative to each other and to the place and time where they exist. None is better or worse, only different and relative to the circumstances that define them. However, much time and effort is invested in defending what each of us consider to be our superior (but relative) values, not understanding that in a short time, or in another place, they change.
Thus, clinging to or trying to possess something that is transitory or relative can only result in a sense of loss to the individual with its consequent inevitable suffering. This occurs simply because no matter when one tries to hold on to a material object or relative value, it will always fade away. For example, cars are stolen, houses are burned, clothes wear out, companies go bankrupt, ideas change and so on with everything that is transitory. The fear of losing something that one knows (even if only subconsciously) is not one's, can lead many people and even nations to commit atrocities. To fear is to destroy.
Man has to place the relative where it belongs. We have to understand that these things are not ours and are not to be greedily sought after, but are simply the outward manifestations (and therefore the instruments) of that which is the eternal source of life. Only universal principles and values can be considered truly ours, and if we understand this, there will be no fear of losing them or having them taken away from us, simply because that is impossible. When we finally recognize this, we will be able to share freely in all that exists.
And what are these eternal values and principles? And on what should we base our activities and actions? Universal love based on the understanding of the unity of man and life. From this everything else follows.