Provided comprehensive care to 2,208 children from 0 to 5 years old and their families in the Family and Child Care Centers (CAFI), implementing strategies to improve parenting style.
To develop and implement a place-based assessment of the risk of delinquency and violence affecting young people aged 10-29 years in 18 neighborhoods of the National District of the Dominican Republic.
They seek to safeguard the significant biodiversity of the Dominican Republic and Haiti, focusing on the conservation of coastal areas threatened by climate change, tourism, infrastructure and unsustainable fishing practices.
This project is aimed at low-income women, single mothers and heads of households in West Santo Domingo and nearby areas. They aim to train and benefit 500 women with loans to start or improve their businesses, providing support and technical assistance to achieve sustainable business or entrepreneurship in the area that identifies them.
The population of the province of Samaná in the Dominican Republic improves its income through sustainable economic cycles and increases its quality of life and nature conservation by focusing on sustainable tourism (approximately 100,000 inhabitants).
Promote a comprehensive development process to sustainably improve the social, economic and political conditions of the population of the Enriquillo Region, with special attention to women.
They provide assistance to children from 45 days old to 4 years, 11 months, 29 days and their families, through the change of parenting styles and a comprehensive strategy of community and institutional interventions.